Explain the trades
Explain the trades
10s FL
10s FL edited by Marcel
Sali AUnov16 - re-explained
Charvo, GU28oct14
HTF Outlook
Dissect in H1
IF EAjun11
IF, 17Oct'13
IF, EU24Jun11
IF, EU2aug11
htf 10m
ltf dissect
EU m5 flag plays
Salivan, EU13Aug16
The past of the zone in interest
Reaction as follows
Yogi 1, EU21Apr14, FL short
EU21Apr14, FL short reaction
EU21Apr14, zones dissected zoomed out
Yogi 2, AU Jul14 - swing plays
H1 - HTF zones dissected
details of FL in m30
Yogi3, GJ Jul14, short swing
HTF - H4 zones outlook
LTF - m30: reactions and zonesYogi4, UJ5aug14, short
short explained in m5
Yogi5, CJ Daily zones
Daily zones zoomed out in Higher TF
Yogi, EGoct14, swing plays
swing entry in LTF
swing: zones outlook
EGoct14, explained by IF
Past Zone dissected in m1
Dissected more in details in 10s chart.
Yogi 6, NU31oct14, scalp part 1
Yogi 6, NU31 oct14, scalp part 2
scalp dissected in m5
Yogi7, gold30dec14
HTF zones in m30
LTF m5 approach and reaction
Yogi8, EU8jan15, scalp
scalp, dissected in m5
Yogi9, UCHF jan15 part 1
Yogi9, UCHF jan15 part 2
zones dissected
commented by IF
Yogi10 EU22Jan15 (m1)
HTF m5 dissected zone
LTF m1 approach and reaction
Yogi11 UCAD 17Jun15 (m15)
h1 zones dissected, past, approach and entry zones.
Yogi12 GAjul16
part 1
Gem1 GU30dec13 (H4) : QM short
HTF Daily outlook
LTF entry in m1
Gil1 GJ5Feb14 (m15) QM
HTF Daily outlook
MTF H1 zones
LTF m5 approach, reaction and targets + followed trades
Gil2 UCAD19feb14
TT in m15
Past zone in m30
HTF Daily outlook
Past zone in m5
m5 Past zone zoomed in in m1
Approach and reaction in m1
Gil3, GJ3mar14
QM in H1
m5 exit
HTF m15 outlook
approach and reaction in m1
Gold 5m flag plays 13Jan17
m1 range play with signal
Gold intraday 10jan17 (m5)
Past zone in 10s chart morning
Past zone in 10s chart afternoon next session
Gold lesson on scalp short
IF, GU14jul12
m15 zone
zoomed in m1
zones dissected in m5
GU17Jan17, FL plays
GU by Sali, 31aug16
ltf explanation
IF1, UCAD12jul12
"sold between flags"
Dissected in m1
IF2, EU12jul12
"DP to Break S": To TG a tested Supply, is to enter at a DP to break the "supply before"
tried to explain in m1
IF UCAD12jul12, H4
Past zone in H4 explained
Current zone dissected in h1
IF4, ACHF 6may10
HTF Daily past outlook
Current zones in H4
IF5, UCAD29Jun12
explained in m5
Zones zoomed in in 10s chart
10s chart, some more explanations added by Marcel
IF6 EU10jul12
m5 zone
htf m15 zones
Current zones in m1
Current Zones in HTFm5
A higher TF zones to explain the past in h1
Approach and reaction in m10
IF7, AU, 5JUL2012
out HTF outlookour LTF outlook
IF8, AU4JULY2012
IF's chart
our M1 dissect
our 10s dissect
our M5 dissect
IF's m5 conclusion
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